He chuckled like a true sadist. “One more,” he told me, somewhat unnecessarily. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that final stroke, which was the hardest of all. I spung to my feet, rubbing my arse in a desperate but fruitless attempt to releave the fiery pain. I wanted to ...
“What, you don’t mean…you can’t be serious? Take the law into your own hands? Anyway, are you some kind of sadist or pervert?” “Ha! Well, maybe I am, a little bit. Keep it under your hat though, please. Old habits die hard. I’m certainly a disciplinarian, if you like...
Currently, to be assessed for legal MAiD, a person must be at least 18 years of age and capable of “making decisions with respect to their health” and independently assessed by two nurse practitioners or medical doctors to “have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability,” to...
Flare Corona from Fairy Tail is a member of the Raven Tail Guild who is practically a sadist when it comes to fighting with her Crimson Hair. Flare has a seemingly endless supply of long, red hair, which she can easily manipulate the length of. Not only can she use magic attac...
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave persona
Narcissists, psychopaths and sadists all have something in common: An underlying "dark core" of personality. Recent research suggests that so-called darkpersonality traitsare all a manifestation of an underlying tendency to put oneself first at the expense of others. This underlying tendency, which...
Self-representation on paper (online) and in-person are obviously sucky parts of both activities. No one likes to fill out the dreaded profiles / resumes / applications and conduct an endless search for perfection (unless she is a sadist), but that is a pleasure compared to other aspects of...
Before:Owing to a lack of search facility, the audit trail is printed (circa 70–150 pages). The lucky user must initial and date each page; don’t you just love the sadists in QA? Now the even luckier reviewer must trawl through each page looking to see if a Level 90 user ...
60miles per hour this is to replace a very expensive wooden shed i put together from a kit designed by a sadist and stocked with parts from the netherworld of darkness. what a pleasant surprise that the instructions were not an ancient game of strategy, the parts were built like a tank,...
60miles per hour this is to replace a very expensive wooden shed i put together from a kit designed by a sadist and stocked with parts from the netherworld of darkness. what a pleasant surprise that the instructions were not an ancient game of strategy, the parts were built like a tank,...