“If a parent has a child that they think is really smart and has a couple of Cs in a class, that does not warrant giving an individual a 504,” Kersting says. “Nor does just having a disability mean they will get a 504. It is not considered a disability under Section 504 if it...
Hi,I'm a single parent,of ,an adopted son age 5,he's my world ,but I'm not his I have trouble with daycares because he is so defiant, he wont follow the rules, runs off when told it's time to go in from play,he tells me no,he hits me when I'm not giving him...
Scapegoats are born of frustrations adults cannot control … and we have loads of frustration surrounding this wretched reform. Butfrustration is never a green light to exercise a disturbing dominance over the smallest of the small. If that is the first impulse of an adult, then they are in ...
Jill: My son has an IEP, is in general education NY Regent Level courses and is failing his Chemistry and Algebra 2/Trig courses. He receives resource room 1 period 5 days a week, but this is not helping. Can we request that the school provide 1-1 tutor? This entry was posted inTby...
The article reports that an independent hearing examiner has upheld a parent's request for an independent educational speech-language evaluation and states that Individualized Education Program (lEP) changes cannot be based on limited assessment.
“. . . it is important that State and local education agencies, in developing an IEP for a child who is deaf, take into consideration such factors as: Communication needs and the child’s and family’s preferred mode of communication; ...
Her pediatrician diagnosed her with an Anxiety Disorder. He wrote a letter to request a 504 plan. The school advised that they will “review the situation to see if a 504 plan is warranted”. If they decide my daughter is not entitled to a 504 plan, they will deny the doctor’s reques...
Once a diagnosis has been received, parents may want to explore whether to press their school for an individualized education plan, or IEP, for their child. Because written expression disorders and learning disorders in written expression are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as eligi...
If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question. If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a...
The district has the responsibility to provide your child with a free appropriate public education. You can request that the district find such a person to develop a plan, & monitor its implementation. State Autism associations, & your state parent training, & information project can provide you...