D.Theirself-imagewillbedamaged. ( )2.Whydoestheauthormentionhisownexperienceinthelastparagraph? A.Toshowoffhiswonderfulspeakingskills. B.Toexplainhowhehasbecomeaconfidentperson. 30分钟能力强化组合练(一) 第2页 2 C.Toshowhisspecialtasteinchoosingsuitableclothes. D.Togiveanexampleofthebenefitoftidiness....
aTry to condense the paragraph to several sentences and incorporate the ideas of the “sea” so that it can act as a core conception throughout your essay. 设法凝聚段到几个句子和合并“海的”想法,以便它可能作为一个核心构想在您的杂文中。[translate]...
By saying there will probably be a lot of business opportunities. Robot six. Lawyers can find a job. There may be opportunities from them to be a business. A lot of companies will provide. Lawrence doesn't tell a robot about his finding a job before hand because. Want to keep it a s...
A. more quickly B. different sentencesC. more exactly D. the same sentence repeatedly【4】The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ___.A. dual learning B. the processC. the system D. people's own writing【5】The...
2. How can a certain kind of ants find their way A. By imagining the way. B. By counting their steps.C. By bringing food together D. By walking through a forest.3. What does the underlined word “mystery” in paragraph 4 probably mean A. Secret. B. Choice. C. Reason. D. ...
A paragraph can be defined as a group of relates sentences developing one main idea. A well-written paragraph is made up of several different types ofThe End of Unit
in the relational dat in the rich world in the rural land in the same condition in the same paragraph in the search engines in the second event in the second month in the second place f in the second set in the secrecy of one in the sequence in the shadow of the in the sight of ...
English has three common types of dependent clauses: noun clauses, relative clauses and adverb clauses. It would be unusual to write a paragraph or talk for a few minutes without using at least one of these. In fact, in my first few...
Which of the sentences in the following paragraph should be left out in the interest of paragraph unity? My favorite school lunch is chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes. One reason why I love this lunch so much is that it tastes so great! Sometimes I hate waiting in long lines when I ...
SectionA Directions:Therearetenincompletesentencesinthissection.ForeachsentencetherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONEthatbestcompletesthesentence.Thenwritedowntherightanswerinthebracketsforeachsentence.Thissectiontotals10points,onepointforeachsentence. ()1.Wecansupplyallthebicyclesyourequired___stockandare...