I mounted the pavement to avoid the traffic-lights at the junction and as I swung round the corner I veered wildly off course and through a gateway, and then ploughed my way to a halt in a bed of chrysanthemums. It was old Chisholm’s house and it was his flowers which I had serious...
Of course it's not as convenient as using a real mouse. Did you run this command after patching? @YogSottotNope, I didn't. That fixed it, thank you! I'll check out QtScrcpy and xtmapper, thanks! By the way, if anyone wants to apply the two BlissOS patches for themselves, I re...
echo 'unlet! skip_defaults_vim source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim set mouse-=a ' > ~/.vimrc Fix usb power My PI is powered by the header and I am booting from USB so I need this setting: echo '# USB Power usb_max_current_enable=1 '| sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt >/dev/null...