Note, however, that if you are convicted of a felony and remain otherwise law-abiding, you may eventually be able to restore your gun rights by: getting your conviction expunged, getting the felony reduced to a misdemeanor, petitioning the court for restoration, and/or obtaining a pardon. A...
What felonies cannot be expunged in Mississippi? Are hate crimes felonies? What crimes are felonies in Florida? Does bench trial mean the same as bench warrant? Is conspiracy to commit a crime a felony? What is it called when you return a fugitive to the state for his or her crime? Is...
A record suspension is a Canadian legal concept that is similar to a DUI expungement.People in California can try to get a DUI conviction expunged provided that they:have successfully completed probation for the DUI, and are not currently charged with a criminal offense, on probation for a ...
If you are being accused of a felony or misdemeanor, let us tell you how we can help you - Michigan Criminal Defense. 248-263-6800