This case allows tile Court to clarify two competing tensions in the Sixth Amendment guarantee of a criminal defendant's right to the effective assistance of counsel. On one hand, tile defendant has a right to hire a lay% er and to waive potential conflicts of interest withBezdek, Barbara L...
In some cases, passengers can help a defendant’s case. For instance if the arresting officer smelled alcohol or marijuana coming from the car, the defendant can argue that the odor came from the passenger, not from them. This would mean that the police did not have “probable cause” to...
案例四: Z老师在小学担任教学课程已经多年。根据该校的管理规定。从事教学工作的教师必须在课前备课,编写教案,并在每学期期末向学校上交教案。从教时间里,Z老师先后上交小学教案48册。这些教案都是Z老师在参考别人教案的基础上独自创作的,且没有留底稿。Z老师多次要求该校返还教案,该小学却以找不到为由拒绝将...
It seems simple enough and you are thinking about handling it yourself without the help of a DUI lawyer? Can you? You can usually represent yourself in a DUI case. You are considered a “pro se” defendant when you are not represented by a DUI defense attorney. Oftentimes, a particular ...
CONFIRMED BY ILL. SUPREME COURT-- YOU ARE VIEWING THE MOST DANGEROUS BLOG IN ILLINOIS. This blog warranted a 3 year suspension by the ARDC/Jerome Larkin! Mottos: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Justice Louis Brandeis ; "If the truth can destroy
informally done in state court. I've had cases where the jury comes back and says, 'guilty,' and the judge thanks the jury, and excuses them, and says, 'Let's sentence the defendant right now," said Levin. "Obviously, everything's a little different about this case than the typical...
(b) Exception.In a criminal case, an expert witness must not state an opinion about whether the defendant did or did not have a mental state or condition that constitutes an element of the crime charged or of a defense. Those matters are for the trier of fact alone. ...
The ultimate goal for anyone who has been arrested is to get out of jail as soon as possible. One of the first things that a defendant should do to be released is to contact a trusted local bail bonds company to help him with the bail if he can’t pay the amount on his own. ...
The penalties for felony convictions in Georgia can be quite severe, depending on the nature of the offense and the defendant’s prior criminal history. Some of the penalties may include: Prison sentences: Felony convictions may result in a minimum of one year of imprisonment, with some offenses...
John Thompson, an intoxicated person sitting behind the wheel sleeping while the engine runs is considered drunk driving. The appellate court decision noted that a DWI charge does not require the prosecutor to prove the defendant was driving to convict them. As a matter of fact, the court ...