Dookki, located in Suntec City, has a fun dining concept where you can have two meals at one go, a popular practice in Korea. The 90-minute All You Can Eat Buffet costs S$20.80++ and allows diners to indulge in delicious topokki, eumuk, mandu, K-fried chicken and more. First up ...
These rolls are easy to make and are a great way to use up cucumbers from your garden. They can be served as a light lunch or as an appetizer for a party. They’re also a great way to get kids to eat their vegetables. The cucumber slices are thin enough that they’re not overpo...
I’d just count this as a lesson learned and don’t eat those jars. Here is a page with more on Canning Safety. Can You Can Raw Ground Venison (Raw Pack)? “Can I can ground venison through a raw pack? Does it need to be cooked to render off the fat? I raw pack 1/2 of ...
When a barre studio opens a mile from your home, you can’t help but be interested. When that studio has a pre-opening special that includes 6 weeks of unlimited barre, you try it out. I learned a lot during those 6 weeks. The key takeaway was that if you take a break from a ri...
Honestly, we could eat this soup for days. It's simple, it's tasty, and it's a great way to stretch a rotisserie chicken! (Check out more inexpensive family-friendly dinner ideas here!) Get the recipe for Chicken-and-Spinach Tortellini Soup. Ian Palmer Crispy Pan-Seared Salmon with Bro...
The only real exceptions for this are when feeding your dogcanned salmonor sardines. Look for brands that are packed in water, with no added salt or other additives. These bones are often small and soft enough to eat with zero worries, due to the canning process. Still, check the cans ...
I really do try to balance what I eat and so I’ll warn you up front this recipe has the potential to be an artery clogger. But I also know that the key to good living is moderation so every once in a while you can walk on the wild side with something like this. Plus this rec...
Whether you're looking for ways to eat healthily, learn to cook new recipes or just make fewer trips to the grocery store this fall, ahealthy,versatileandbudget-friendlymeal delivery deal can help you do it on the cheap. Fresh seafood is an option with most meal kit services. ...
Remember how anuclear power plant in Japan was destroyed by a tsunami in 2011 and leaked radiation into the Pacific Ocean? Is Alaskan salmon dangerous because of nuclear spill into the body of water that touches both Japan and Alaska? You may have heard that we should never eat Pacific fish...
Las Vegas has become a mecca for celebrity chefs. There's a restaurant bearing one's name in nearly every major hotel. As for what they — and the tons of other chefs who've flocked to the city — make, anything goes. Sin City's the place where gluttonous, Insta-worthy bites and fi...