Can A Meniscus Tear Heal On Its Own? 半月板是由纤维软骨组成,是衬与大腿和小腿骨之间的垫子,内外侧各一个,它不是骨头,所以不像下肢骨折后无法走路,等损伤急性期过了,肿胀略消退,依然能忍痛行走,对于某些运动员,受伤后忍痛继续比赛更是一种“荣誉”。所以,半月板撕裂有些人认为这种损伤会随着时间的流逝,能...
Can A Meniscus Tear Heal On Its Own? 半月板是由纤维软骨组成,是衬与大腿和小腿骨之间的垫子,内外侧各一个,它不是骨头,所以不像下肢骨折后无法走路,等损伤急性期过了,肿胀略消退,依然能忍痛行走,对于某些运动员,受伤后忍痛继续比赛更是一种“荣誉”。所以,半月板撕裂有些人认为这种损伤会随着时间的...
IMPACTION FRACTURE CAN MIMIC MENISCUS TEAR: 26An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1249/00005768-199205001-00027Robert LewisCharles GiangarraMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Having part of your meniscus removed as a runner could end a long running career. Surgery for a meniscus tear in a runner might help for a short while, but the loss of meniscus might initiate anarthritic process causing more degeneration within the knee. Runners, in general, have alower in...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate (1) the diagnostic value of using single and multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings for lateral meniscus posterior root tear (LMPRT) detection in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and (2) the influence of time from ACL injury to ...
Transtibial pullout repairs using two simple stitches (TSS) and a combination of TSS with posteromedial pullout repair (TSS+PMP) using an all-inside meniscal repair device have been reported previously for the treatment of medial meniscus (MM) posterior root tears. This study aimed to ...