Linearly-Independent Quantum States Can Be Cloned by a Unitary-Reduction Operation The famous quantum no-cloning theorem [Nature 299 (1982) 802] forbids replication of an arbitrary unknown quantum state. But it leaves open the following q... DUAN Luming,GUO Guangcan - 《Communications in ...
But it leaves open the following question: If the state is not completely arbitrary, but secretaly chosen from a certain set $={|Ψ_1>,|Ψ _2>,...,|Ψ>}, wheteher is the cloning possible? It is proved that the states from the set faithfully coned by a general unitary-reduction ...
思想实验一:琴桥空间 | 琴桥与四根弦构成空间(从左到右:G、D、A、E,依次升调)。手指前后、左右、上下滑动,发音。其中,前后为“换把位”(升降调),等同于左右发音;上下按压力度不同,为泛音。下面,把琴桥空间想象为相空间。左右、前后为“空间”,上下为“时间”;四根弦与左手四根指(大拇指除外),呈一一映射关...
For definitions to least squares approximation, if error function r (x) [a,b] smooth and continuous, y (x) linearly independent; least square approximation of k can be obtained by solving the following matrix iteration solutions for: