This will allow you to grow and move forward. Let go of mistakes You can learn from your mistakes and learn from your successes too. Then you need to move on. Every experience you have has some lesson. Even the experience you do not get right. Mistakes are there, and you need to ...
Occasionally, a large proportion of the scalp follicles begins to grow synchronously and so are in the same phase of the hair cycle. When this occurs and these hairs are shed at the conclusion of the telogen phase, there is extensive hair shedding. A variety of things seems to predispose to...
I have tried to grow a beard in the past and once I reach the period where it really itches that is when I cannot take it anymore and am forced to shave the beard. I have tried to grow a beard several times in the past and I can never get past this stage simply because the itch...
Hair graying was observed in mice deficient in Notch1, Notch2 receptor, or RBP-J kappa transcription factor due to the disappearance of melanocytes in the hair matrix [55]. Therefore, Notch signaling might play an essential role in the melanocyte population during hair follicle cycles [56]. ...