- "Access denied for user 'xxx'@''" when i use mysql server name "" over ssh why that? i would say "127.0.01" is NOT a hostname, because of `skip-name-resolve`?? thx for feedback, jan Subject Written By ...
They all come back with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known. I never actually tried this before upgrading so I'm not sure if its caused by the upgrade, but I would like to get this fixed. Also, ping with all of the above hostnames fails as well...
Ubuntu :: Error : Mount.nfs : Access Denied By Server While Mounting Hostname Sep 20, 2010 I just built an AMD Phenom II Six Core with 4 Gigs Ram a 160Gib / and swap, and (2) Two Tb mirror for Raid (data storage) I had been using DMRAID in the deprecated box but this ...