I'm in a program (Safari, Word, iDesign, etc., I click open file > desktop (or any other folder), and nothing appears.just the spinning wheel (that won't stop).I had my hard drive replaced in March after my system started running slow one day, then froze. I did a...
Also when I try to open the volume I am given "can't open superblock" error.I am not too familiar with using Linux and ma just trying to get to my files. View 3 Replies View Related Ubuntu :: Mount USB Stick And Getting A Superblock Error "only "ROOT" Can Access Command" J...
it said: "Unable to mount location Error mounting: mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock". And when I boot my pc with 'Windows', it said : "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" under a blue screen. What can I do to solve this problem?
every time i create a new user account and try to log on i get error - windowssystem32configsystemprofiledesktop refers to a location that is unavailable.It could be on a hard drive on this computer or on a network.Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you ar...
I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive? View 2 RepliesView Related OS X Technologies :: Can't Open The Program Time Machine Located In The ...