Ok. I was having this problem since last night and have spent at least 5 hours searching the web, Google, forums, etc. trying to find a solution. Many of the solutions mentioned - turning off VIRUS Scan or excluding files (*.myd and *.myi) and temp folder. Other posts said that an...
Recently I installed ubuntu 10 on my machine. Installed using windows installer and it is installed in one of the windows drive. It didnt asked me for root password, so i used sudo -i to become a root user. now when i was trying to execute a file named all.bash [URL].. using ./...
One of my drives is showing issues that Disk Utility isn't catching or can't find. I've heard about Diskwarrior, iDefrag, Drive Genius, etc... but which one is the most comprehensive, is there a "best of breed" disk app out there or one that does more t...
I know that the Windows 7 Homegroups only work with other PC with homegroup.But I'm trying to find my other computers running XP with my windows 7 laptop. View 9 Replies View Related Linking Two Computers Through Network? May 6, 2011 I have two computers Computer A runs Windows ...
I have a problem in my ubuntu 10.01 that it can't load a drive/volume in ubuntu. When I tried, it said: "Unable to mount location Error mounting: mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock". And when I boot my pc with 'Windows', it said : "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" under a blue...
Time Machine can not find a file that I deleted just a few days ago, which is very annoying, because I can find the file just fine when I open my external hard drive (my Time Machine backup drive) with the Finder and navigate to the exact date and location where the file was located...
hard drive and im still waiting for it to open.this goes on on both of my computers running windows 7.all coms are updated to the fullest and im not overclocking or doing anything other normal stuff.So is there a bug or somthing that im missing , once again if i go to start , ...
OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Drive Bad Superblock Error Jun 15, 2010 I have a x64 OpenSUSE server with two hard drivers installed. The first one is used for the / and /home partitions and the other is for backups. Ironically enough it is the backup hard drive I am having troubl...
May 10, 2012 I know it's been around for a while but I still didn't find any solution. My problem is that any new icons that appears in my dock are low quality only. Even if it's native Apple app like Pages...� Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3) ...
So I've been trying all weekend to install windows 7 through boot camp. At first, due to a lack of dvds to burn the iso I have, I tried doing the whole usb thing. I got as far as the Legacy Loader screen and could not find a solution. Finally, after getting ...