OS X :: Cannot Drag And Drop From Download Folder To Desktop Jul 20, 2010 Not sure when it happened, but I can no longer drag & drop from my download folder to the desktop. I can, however, go through 'Find" and drop the file that way. I am running OS X. I'm on a MacBook...
, but, I can read from it). This is available to everyone. My windows terminal can see this folder and access it. This is on my main 80GB internal drive /dev/sda1.
I can see that the system knows that my CDROM drive is there and that it works because I installed Slackware 13 from my CDROM drive as /dev/hdc. Now when I put in a cd nothing happens? I have googled away and searched this forum quite a bit before posting this but I have ...
("Open=..."; Shellexecute=...") and so on. In desperation I built a Start.exe file in Flash and that worked, but I need my client to have the disk run automatically. I searched the web and eventually found this: How to Enable / Disable Autorun for a Drive (using Registry). ...
I did some searches in google as well as this forum and it looks like there are quite a few options out there for users interested having a program automatically grab missing album artwork from places like amazon if you are running iTunes on Windows. Users have also reported that some of ...