CREATE PROCEDURE `insert_content`(OUT newfileid BIGINT) NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT '' BEGIN INSERT INTO content (description, date_added, filetype) VALUES("desc", NOW(), "jpg"); SET newfileid =LAST_INSERT_ID(); ...
sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" log-output=FILE general-log=0 general_log_file="SHK-L070005SRG.log" slow-query-log=1 slow_query_log_file="SHK-L070005SRG-slow.log" long_query_time=10 log-error="SHK-L070005SRG.err" ...
Here is end of output from log when trying to uninstall. MSI (s) (34:84) [12:23:50:916]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=UninstallString,Value=#%MsiExec.exe /I{7D9D35EC-57CC-492F-8EB6-751CC4BDDF83},) MSI (s) (34:84) [12:23:50:916]: Executing op: RegCreateKey() ...
Now, when trying to open the database, I get the error 2003 (Cannot connect). I ran mysqld --console and see the output below. I have confirmed that the ibdata1 file is present in the data directory, and it's not marked read only. I have tried running as administrator, to no av...
If you want something that works, then do SHOW CREATE TABLE for each table, and build some INSERT statements for a few rows for each table, and show me what you want the output to be, and paste all of that here. OK? Good luck, Barry.Navigate...