Re: ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server (10060) Posted by:Christian Poblete Date: November 07, 2008 02:33PM Sorry for revive the topic but the specific solution is not in google today the problem is in you server: edit vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables...
I have the following scenario that doesn't seem to work normally. I have a windows 7 pc from which I am using putty to connect to my other linux servers (all running redhat 5 and 6). So here is the scenario that works and one that does not work. And I'm trying to ...
Re: Error 2003: Can't connect to mysql server on 'localhost' <10061> Posted by:Alan Shaw Date: September 30, 2007 03:14PM I also have had this problem; I've 'Googled' the web and have tried various so called 'solutions'. I’ve Disabled Windows Firewall, Disabled Norton’s and ...