I run with a 2500 B&M stall in TH350 and Yukon 3:73 posi, but in a SBC 350 a 3000 stall would be better for take off power. This cam is the single plain version of the XE 274H dual pattern that I run in another 350 engine. Great mid-range power. This cam has great muscle ...
Speedmaster PCE249.1010 Fits Chevy SBC 350 Hydraulic Roller Camshaft 242 Int. 248 Exh. Duration Add $187.80current price $187.80Speedmaster PCE249.1010 Fits Chevy SBC 350 Hydraulic Roller Camshaft 242 Int. 248 Exh. Duration COMP Cams Camshaft FW XE274H-10 Add $272.12current price $272.12COMP Cams...
办公椅的腰部支撑枕Lumbar Support Pillow for Office Chair ==》Amazon购买链接 这个腰枕可以在办公椅,游戏椅,或者车座上使用,它符合人体工程学设计,可减轻你的上,中,下背部疼痛和背部紧绷感,保持健康的姿势,并有助于保持脊柱的自然弯曲。它具有可拆卸和可机洗的网罩,可保持良好的空气流通,并始终保持凉爽,舒适,...