悬挂方面也经过从新调校,使用了全新后悬挂,切弯或是转向都能实现非常完美的平衡与支撑,你可能会忘记这是一台丰田车。 2018 Camry 的内饰风格偏向于科技运动风,尤其是由主控区域主导的流线型设计以及按键的排列,有新意也不杂乱。并且全系都将标配TSS-P主动安全系统,包含碰撞预警自动刹车、行人探测,车道保持辅助,后方...
Step 6, Bootup your car go to Menu-setup-General- software upgrade. Then insert the USB into the USB Port below the touch screen. Step 7, Wait several seconds, the 'Update Software' will be available then Step 8, click the upgrade, Upgrade info will shown, which including the Carlay ...
自从第八代的 Toyota Camry 2018 在日本市场推出以后在当地的反应可说是相当不错,如今原厂更再度追加设计更为运动化的 Toyota Camry WS ,而其实这个所谓的 WS 版本其实就是美规的 Toyota Camry SE ,在外形上与成熟稳重的普通版 Camry 风格可说完全不同!在外形上,Camry WS(WS 其实是 Worldwide & Sporty ...
2018 Camry Hybrid 的一些体验 说起来 2018 款的混动凯美瑞我已经开了半年一万多公里了,也算可以发表一些车主感言了。我开过的车有限,这是我的第一辆车,我更称不上(也不想做)车评人,这只是一点车主感想,酌情阅读。 车型:2018 Camry Hybrid SE (加拿大款,相当于国内不存在的风尚版 + 混动) 动力系统:2.5 ...
国外媒体的 2018 Toyota Camry 假想图,外形更动感! 之前我们曾经报导过Toyota目前正在积极测试 2018 Toyota Camry ,这款车预计会在即将开幕的洛杉矶车展又或者是底特律车展上首发。近日海外媒体就自行绘制了2018 Toyota Camry 的假想图,这个假想图是跟据之前曝光的谍照所绘制,不知道这个假想图和实车的差异有多少?
早前Toyota就放出预告表示全新的Camry将在明年一月的底特律车展发布,近日海外媒体又曝光了疑似TRD版本的Camry测试照!据悉 Toyota Camry 2018 TRD 会在一月和普通版本的Camry一起发布!在引擎配置上新的Camry TRD将采用涡轮引擎或者V6的自然进气引擎! Toyota意图在新车款上添加运动化元素已经不是秘密,新的Camry将会基于Toy...
07/21/2018 Shahed Hussain The Camry has been the preferred midsize sedan for millions of customers over two decades. Yet as SUVs and pickups have grown to over half the market, Toyota needed to make the new Camry stand out from the crowd of competitors. ...
Toyota's Camry is completely new for 2018, with sleeker, sportier, more dramatic styling, Toyota New Global Architecture underpinnings for improved handling, reengineered 2.5L and 3.5L engines making 206 and 301 horsepower respectively, a new 8-speed automatic, more cabin refinement and space, ...
The 2018 Camry switches to a version of the Toyota New Global Architecture platform also used in the Prius. This comes with adoption of a new multilink rear suspension. Plus, in the Hybrid, the battery pack has been moved from the trunk to below the rear seat, eliminating the slight cargo...
Wheel size, PCD, offset, and other specifications such as bolt pattern, thread size (THD), center bore (CB), trim levels for 2018 Toyota Camry. Wheel and tire fitment data. Original equipment and alternative options.