Transmit CU, receive CU, and interference CU of APs are measured to classify congestion into three types: congestion caused by heavy downlink greedy traffic of the local AP, heavy uplink greedy traffic of the local AP, or heavy greedy traffic of other APs. If a CU value exceeds the ...
For the micro-deposit option, you will need your financial institution’s routing number and your account number to get started. Once your account has been verified, you will be able to transfer funds to your CAMPUS Savings or Checking account to make your loan payment each month. To make ...
CU Device Device1 Device2 Interface GE0/0/8 GE0/0/8 Overlay Tunnel ON ON Transport Network(Routing Domain) Internet Internet Role Active Active Inter-CPE Link Use LAN-side L2 interface OFF VLAN ID 4000-4060 Device1 Interface GE0/0/7 Device2 Interface GE0...
stack [switch-number]—(Optional) Displays detailed environment status of a stack, per each stack unit. If the switch-number is specified, the environment status of the selected device number is displayed. (Range: 1 – 4) Command Mode User EXEC mode User Gu...
cuseeme CU-SeeMe デスクトップ ビデオ会議 daytime 日時(RFC 867) dbase dBASE Unix dbcontrol_agent Oracle Database Control Agent ddns-v3 ダイナミック DNS バージョン 3 dhcp ダイナミック ホスト コンフィギュレーション dhcp-failover DHCP ...
CU Device Device1 Device2 Interface GE0/0/8 GE0/0/8 Overlay Tunnel ON ON Transport Network(Routing Domain) Internet Internet Role Active Active Inter-CPE Link Use LAN-side L2 interface OFF VLAN ID 4000-4060 Device1 Interface GE0/0/7 Device2 Interface GE0...
crypto certificatenumbergenerate[key-generate[length]] [cncommon- name] [ouorganization-unit] [ororganization] [loclocation] [ststate] [cucountry] [durationdays] Parameters number—Specifies the certificate number. (Range: 1–2) key-generate rsalength—Regene...
Specifying 00:00 schedules the reload for midnight. The reload must take place within 24 days. day—(Optional) Number of the day in the range from 1 to 31. month—(Optional) Month of the year. cancel—(Optional) Cancels a scheduled reload. Default...
crypto certificate number request [cn common- name] [ou organization-unit] [or organization] [loc location] [st state] [cu country] Parameters number—Specifies the certificate number. (Range: 1–2) The following elements can be associated with the key. ...