In 1944, Austrian doctor Hans Asperger published the first description of what has become known as“Asperger’s Syndrome.”He described a pattern of behavior known as “autistic psychopathy” that included a difficulty feeling empathy and forming friendships, a tendency to become obsessively interested...
Socially therapeutic residential camp for learning challenged & high functioning autistic children. 2:1 ratio, formal social skills training, academic support, over 40 traditional activities. Rosamond Gifford Zoo Camps One Conservation Pl., Syracuse, NY 13204 ...
HEAL Helps Autistic Kids Have Fun; the Organization Is Sponsoring Various Camps to Teach Them Surfing, Filmmaking and MoreByline: MAGGIE FITZROYFitzroy, Maggie
New Mexico Kids! family magazine is a bimonthly publication filled with detailed listings of activities for children, teens and their parents, grandparents and teachers, along with comprehensive directories of public and private schools, summer camps, af