As a novice with RV resorts, any site in the campground would have been fine with me. After the first night, however, with no water and sewer hookups in the camper van, I realized it was more convenient to have a site near one of the bathhouses, and I requested a site change. A ...
I usually take the camper off the truck if we have no plans on using it soon because the truck is also used for hauling other things. The truck and camper are stored on a pad with hookups beside the house.”– John Bull, 2004 Dodge 3500, 2015 Arctic Fox 990 “I keep my camper 50...
Campsite Fees– When we are living on less money this is definitely an area that we kept extremely low. A combination of work kamping jobs with free sites for many months at a time, and boondocking helped with costs but now we are all full hookups and strong cell signals (need it for ...