From Vince (1969), by courtesy of the Cambridge University Press, London and New York. There is more evidence that clicking can act as an accelerating stimulus. Artificial clicks (in the experiments reported here square waves from an oscillator) can be fed into an isolated egg by means of ...
Cf. Bell (1978, p. 66): “Mass consumption, which began in the 1920s, was made possible by revolutions in technology, principally the application of electrical energy to household tasks (washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, and the like), and by three social inventions: mass prod...
This challenging of the status quo need real alternative futures, to get this we must critically examine the ideological underpinnings of our current world and ask: #StupidIndividualism is the norm—but what would non-stupid individualism look like? #DeathCult economics dominate—what would a non...
Derrida, J. (1972).Dissemination.Trans. Barbara Johnson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Derrida, J. (1976).Of Grammatology. Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak from De la Grammatologie (1967). Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press. Derrida, J. (1982).Margins of ...
Student status Canadian students do not need a student visa in order to study in the US, but they do need an I-20 certificate from their university. If your student has already been accepted, their school has likely issued an I-20 form by this point. ...
he was able to put the information in a way that it broke through my confusion about the nature of our being, the practical applications of mindfulness, and what sensitivities indicate and how to work with them. Putting that understanding into application will be a lifelong process, but the ...