Edit your Account Spending Limit Remove your Account Spending Limit Reset the amount spent towards your Account Spending Limit You may use this when a client wants to control the amount you’re spending for the entire account, rather than on a specific campaign. A Message From Jon PowerHittersC...
Focuses on the need for the limitation of political campaign spendings in the United States. Increase in the costs of political campaigns; Incumbents' advantage over opposing candidates; Statistics on political campaign spendings in ...
On 20 July, Michael Gove, the Secretary of State responsible for overseeing party finance regulation,announcedthat party (and candidate) campaign spending limits for Westminster elections were to be increased in line with the value of money. This received little fanfare and was only touched upon b...
Our key finding is that tight campaign limits stimulate aggressive advertising on the part of competing parties, while generous budgets often lead to parties acting defensively. The analysis also provides an explanation for the increasingly partisan campaigns that the Republicans and Democrats have taken...
aSupreme Court has pretty much said that campaign spending cannot be limited in any serious way. There can be limits on what is given to candidates, but you essentially can't limit what people spend on their own (not coordinating with the candidate). 最高法院几乎认为竞选消费不可能被限制用任...
The court first heard arguments in March, then asked for another round of arguments about whether corporations and unions should be treated differently from individuals when it comes to campaign spending. The justices convened in a special argument session in September, Sotomayor's first. The conser...
aOne reason that it would be very difficult to limit campaign spending is that the Supreme Court has pretty much said that campaign spending cannot be limited in any serious way. There can be limits on what is given to candidates, but you essentially can't limit what people spend on their...
Off with the limits. (limits on campaign spending)Alexander, Lamar
But Montana aggressively defended its 1912 law against a challenge from corporations seeking to be free of spending limits, and the state Supreme Court sided with the state. The state court said a history of corruption showed the need for the limits, even as Justice Anthony Kennedy declared in...
Harkin seeking voluntary campaign-spending limitsASSOCIATED PRESS