When, in the course of human events, it becomesnecessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connectedthem with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separateand equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitlethem, a decent re...
But on the rest of the ballot, Democrats are ahead in statewide races for positions like governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction and Supreme Court justice. (So far, NBC News has only called the...
Rep. Zoe Lofgren(D-CA): “I’m proud to support the NOH8 Campaign. I support equal rights for everyone in America and I’ve been active in the support for equal rights and marriage in California.” Rep. Nydia Velázquez(D-NY): “This is a very important issue for America and is a...
Oregon - The Pittock Mansion Oregon Trail pioneers Georgiana and Henry Pittock lived in this reputable mansion for only a short period of time (1914-1919) before they, unfortunately, passed away. The two were huge influences in the development of the city y...
After the house was put on the market in 1958, it stood empty for years. It was badly damaged in the Columbus Day Storm of 1962, and residents implored the city to buy it and turn it into a public space. In 1965, it opened as a museum. Also in Oregon: T...
Location: Portland, Oregon The ROI at Lewis & Clark is actually worse than Skidmore’s by just a bit. Facebook/@lewisandclarkcollege A yearly investment of around $51,000 will get you $46,200 back annually once you’ve been out of school for ten years. ...