Camp Lejeune Benefit Coverage Map Image Source: Speak Directly with an Attorney Time is Limited! Do I Still Need a Lawyer for Camp Lejeune Claims? Absolutely. You still need to win your lawsuit. You may face issues if the government ...
GET LEGAL HELP NOW Once the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) becomes federal law (the bill is expected to be signed by President Joe Biden by July 2022), Camp Lejeune water contamination victims may finally be eligible for compensation. Many individuals who had their claims inappropriately ...
Corboy & Demetrio is proud to prosecute the claims on behalf of veterans & families for harm related to exposure to toxic water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987.
Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Claims Attorney Near You
DISABILITY insurance claimsCYCLIC adenylic acidSEAWATERWATER pollutionINTRODUCTION. Between 1953 and 1987, over one million Veterans were exposed to contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. We examined the relationship between toxicant exposure and subsequent disability ratings in...
VA to Begin Processing Camp Lejeune Toxic Water ClaimsThe compensation process was cleared when the White House exempted it from a presidential order blocking new federal regulations.Marty Callaghan