The Chiodo Brothers, who wrote and directed Killer Klowns from Outer Space, are primarily known for special effects, stop motion and clay modeling, and the film uses these techniques heavily. The wonky and lumbering clowns possess sinister smiles and quirky cotton candy cocoons to keep their prey...
The Camp Nou, branded as Spotify Camp Nou for sponsorship reasons, is the home of LaLiga club FC Barcelona since its completion in 1957. With a current seating capacity of 99,354, it is the stadium with the largest capacity in Spain and Europe, and the second largest football stadium in...
Superheroes Comic Book Maker This third creativity app from Duck Duck Moose lets you make your own animated, self-narrated puppet shows. Like Draw and Tell and Princess, this app is easy to use and powerful. The large collection of ...
each page will be run through an average of 5 to 7 versions before he decides he’s got something he can commit to; tricky pages may take as many as 20 revisions. It’s a lot of planning, years to get the book finagled the way he wants it, but it has...
Please do not mail food to your camper during the summer, even if they ask you to do so. You may wish instead to send a small package with a comic book, some little games, a bandana, posters, photos or other items, but no food, please. All packages to campers are opened in the ...
The Camp Nou will continue to consist of three tiers. The first (lowest) will be completely rebuilt, being more vertical and offering much better views. The second will be the same, although some changes will make it more comfortable. And the third (top) tier, which currently only reaches...