卡莫特斯岛海洋天堂度假村 (camotes island ocean heaven resort) 4等级(最高为5等级) mangodlong himensulan, 卡莫特斯群岛, 宿务, 菲律宾, 6050 - 查看地图 "逃离宿务卡莫特斯岛海洋天堂度假村,享受宁静而实惠的假期。享受带私人阳台/露台和免费 Wi-Fi 的现代化空调客房。在带滑梯的游泳池旁放松身心,品尝美味...
PHP 1,500.00 -( Places to visit: Santiago Beach, resortMangoResort, Amazing Cave and Paraiso Cave) PHP 2,000.00- ( Places to visit: Santiago Beach, resortMangoResort, Amazing Cave, Paraiso Cave, Lake Danao, Timubo Cave, Tulang Diot Island) PHP 3,000 -Places to visit: Santiago Beach, ...
卡莫提斯飞鱼度假村(Camotes Flying Fish Resort) PC7F+CFH, 波罗, 宿务显示地图 肯莫特斯飞鱼度假村坐落于卡模特斯群岛,优越的地理位置使它成为波罗一个令人向往的住宿选择。 从酒店去往机场的旅客到达奥尔莫克机场很便捷,位于大约41km的地方。查看更多
The Rock Resort on Camotes Island, Cebu …,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
Santiago Bay Garden and Resort, San Francisco, Camotes Island Photo by:Marcelino Rapayla Jr./Creative Commons You may rent a room (with or without an air conditioner) inPayag – Beach House and Resort. It is located in Santiago Village, in Pacijan Island. Alternatively, you may book a roo...
Beach bumming in Santiago Bay, Mangongodlong and other white sand beaches in the islands of Pacijan, Tulang, Poro and Ponson Island tour: Lake Danao, Timabu Cave, Baywalk, Buho Rock, Bukilat Cave in Tudela, St. Joseph Parish, Kalbaryo, Alta Vista, Guadalupe Cave and Busay Waterfalls ...
after beach resort because it offers a salient ambiance that comes with its relaxing mood and sumptuous food. It is a peaceful village situated in a 2.5 hectare land in the southwest of Pacijan Island. It has an overlooking view of Santiago White Sand Beach and its clear blue waters. […...
Buho Rock Resort2.37公里 Tulang Diot Island2.38公里 Busay Falls3.29公里 Sto. Nino Church3.29公里 Unidos Mangroves Garden Resort7.33公里 Alta Vista Quarry Vie Park6.41公里 Lake Danao6.93公里 Camotes Islands8.91公里 Heaven Cave8.95公里 Santiago Bay Beach8.97公里 Holy Crystal Cave, Formentera Park8.37公里...
位于波罗岛poro island,附近的码头poro wharf(宿务pier1有班船到这里),这里也是一个度假村他旁边有个伸出来的岩石,上面有3个不同高度的跳台和2个水泥滑梯, 可以在这里跳水~~ 6)Mangodlong Beach 也就是岛上最豪华的曼谷裕隆天堂度假村的海滩,性价比还是蛮高的,淡季400多人民币起,这里也是岛上的一个景点之一...
This nice accommodations just 3hours from Cebu City are at a beautiful relaxing place located right now at the sea shore with a long beautiful white beach! and Just 3 minutes walking you will find another beautiful hidden white Beach. We offer transfers in/out Ferry Terminal Consuelo just a ...