二、Camino de santiago与SofiaP 1、准备工作 由于笔者只身一人、小女生一枚、时间仓促、无经验等原因,笔者为徒步做了大量的准备工作。 首先是路线信息,笔者推荐这一个网站:http://caminodesantiago.consumer.es/,可以在网站下载路线PDF文件,里面有官方的路线分段,按照每天可徒步里程以及基础设施等合理的分段(etapa)。
网站:https://caminodesantiago.consumer.es/albergues/ 几乎所有的Albergues点,有描述、图片、评论。几乎...
This is especially important if you’re about to walk Camino del Norte (the coastal route). Essential Footwear Your feet will be your most valuable asset on the Camino de Santiago, so investing in hiking boots is crucial. Whether you choose boots or running shoes, make sure they are ...
2 thoughts on “Backpack Camino De Santiago” Al Sever June 12, 2022 at 4:38 pm Walked Five caminos–Norte;Frances;Portugese;Primitivo. Always carry my own pack; 50 liter 3 times; 60 liter twice. Definitely need outside straps if using small pack to carry sleeping bag and sleeping pad...
《预订 Camino del Norte:Irun to Santiago along Spain's Northern Coast》,作者:预订 Camino del Norte:Irun to Santiago along Spain's Northern CoastHarms 著,出版社:Village to Village Press,ISBN:9781947474192。
Eroski Consumer 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 La Guía Práctica del Camino de Santiago de CONSUMER EROSKI, líder mundial en información sobre la ruta peregrina, lanza su aplicación oficial para compartir junto con todos los peregrinos el año Xacobeo. La ayuda y la utilidad para...
This guide covers the Camino del Norte from Irún to Santiago de Compostela and includes all of the alternate routes along the way. It has been redesigned and now works almost exclusively offline (to share your comments with others will require a data connection). As more an more albergues sh...
网站: https://caminodesantiago.consumer.es/albergues/ 几乎所有的Albergues点,有描述、图片、评论。 几乎所有的路线,配有每段的爬升海拔图。 强烈建议下载这个网站的app,是离线版本,叫Camino,iOS下载地址:https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/camino/id378279011?mt=8 离线地图: 首推maps.me,非常好用,路线很准...
The Camino del Norte, which travels from San Sebastián along the Northern coast of Spain to Santiago, is another popular route. Popular starting points include San Sebastián, and it is essential to obtain the pilgrim passport for this route. ...
Why Hike the Camino de Santiago? The Camino de Santiago is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that offers a unique blend of physical challenge, cultural immersion, and spiritual growth. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a curious traveler, the Camino de Santiago has something to offer. From...