《预订 Camino del Norte:Irun to Santiago along Spain's Northern Coast》,作者:预订 Camino del Norte:Irun to Santiago along Spain's Northern CoastHarms 著,出版社:Village to Village Press,ISBN:9781947474192。
The Northern Route is also considered more dangerous due to the unclear signposting and stretches along winding roads with little visibility. However, it is said the level of satisfaction increases with the level of difficulty. The Northern Route begins by crossing the Santiago Bridge into Irun, th...
最新文章 Camino del Norte 北方之路交通攻略 | 如何抵達起點伊倫 Irun 法國之路行程規劃|全程路線&住宿心得 需要預訂庇護所嗎? 30個朝聖之路冷知識,這條路比你想的更有趣! 莎賓娜西班牙朝聖之路 文章總整理😎 【西班牙朝聖之路路線】十條最受歡迎的朝聖路線介紹 ...
除此之外,还有难度较大些沿北部海岸线的北方之路 Camino Norte, 从南至北贯穿西班牙的银之路 Via de la Plata,从葡萄牙里斯本出发的葡萄牙之路 Camino Portugues,等等。 在朝圣之路上,所有朝圣者的生活都被浓缩成了“日出而走,日落而息”,没有外界的干扰和诱惑。听起来很单一,但是周围的环境、遇到的人和景变幻无穷...