2016年十一期间,一行四人体验了一下Camino de Santiago,起点没有选在大部分人第一次走都会选的Sarria,而是定在了主路北方的古城Lugo,方便世遗打点控基友打卡,也顺便看看罗马时期的古城墙是个啥样子。 Lugo是官方认可的,可以获得朝圣证书的最近起点,走到圣城只有100公里多一点,比从Sarria走要近一点。由于没有任何徒...
The Camino de Santiago is one of the most famous pilgrimages in Christianity and a network of routes across western Europe, all of which lead to the purported tomb of St. James the Greater in Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain.
Camino de Santiago Galicia » Pipe Organ of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: frederic.font 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: 3/8/2011 Fifth day Recording of the organ of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela playing some classical piece...
Camino de Santiago - resources pageThis is a general "catch all" section that you can use to get information about all aspects of arranging and walking the Camino de Santiago or Way of Saint James. The idea behind this page is to give you some extra navigation to relevant sections on ...
Camino de Santiago Galicia » Hang song 1 来源:Freesound前往原页面查看译文 作者:frederic.font 许可:CC-BY-NC 非商业署名许可协议 描述:1/8/2011 Third day Right after passing Melide (in our way to Arzúa), in a very nice spot in the middle of the forest we came across two guys that ...
In some cases it may be necessary to reserve dinner in nearby restaurants.- Where contracted, the luggage transport service gives each individual traveler the right to the transport of one (1) piece of luggage or no more that 12 kilos (26.5 lbs).Origin: O Cebreiro...
The route takes you through rural Galicia, peppered with charming old churches and religious sites and finishes with a flourish at the magnificent Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, and an overnight stay in the famous Parador hotel. Hiking the Camino 'in-style' like this makes for a very ...
Bicigrino Camino de Santiago en Bicicleta y Cicloturismo. Alquiler de Bicicletas. Transporte de bicicletas.
Santiago de Compostela is a city in A Coruna provincia (province) and the capital of the comunidad autonoma (autonomous community) of Galicia in northwestern Spain.