世界最美之一的徒步路线──Camino de Santiago 西班牙朝圣之路。朝圣之路也是被联合国教科文组织授予世界文化遗产。随着西班牙旅游业的发展,这条道路从一条单一的宗教朝圣之路,逐渐演变为多条全世界徒步爱好者的经典徒步路线。朝圣之路现在演变出多条不同的路线,...
D13: Monte de Gozo - Santiago de Compostela - Fisterra (徒步到圣地亚哥大教堂约4公里,拿证书然后简单游览后坐大巴去Fisterra,古代当地人的天涯海角,0KM路标在那儿,约100公里,有不少人徒步过去) D14: Fisterra - Santiago de Compostela (大巴,闲逛圣地亚哥) D15: Santiago de Compostela - 马德里 (火车)...
沿着北方之路(Camino del Norte),开启探索西班牙北部的奇迹之旅吧! 🌊 这条古老的朝圣之路从迷人的圣塞巴斯蒂安出发,最终抵达圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉。沿途,你将穿越巴斯克地区、坎塔布里亚、阿斯图里亚斯和...
西班牙的圣地亚哥朝圣之路(Camino de Santiago)在欧洲的地位,大抵和拉萨在国内的地位差不多,兼顾风景...
The Camino de Santiago is a collection of European pilgrim routes that finish in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Pilgrims walk between 7 and 30 days to receive
This despite being one of the rainiest cities in Spain (a point which offers little consolation to rain-soaked Santiago). It is the first major city along the coast where you will find, primarily in the Parte Vieja (old town), the celebration of food that Basque chefs take such pride ...
The Camino del Norte is the most northerly Camino in Spain. The Camino de Santiago coastal route give great views, but the view come at a price of steep climbs.
Last 100 kms ⇒ Santiago de Compostela and surf vacation Embark on an extraordinary journey as we introduce a pioneering concept, blending the spiritual essence of pilgrimage from either Portugal or Spain’s last 100 kilometers with the joy of surfing that follows. Choose your path among the ...
西班牙 Spain>比埃尔索 Bierzo 酿酒葡萄: 门西亚 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“北卡米诺酒庄特森红葡萄酒(Camino del Norte El Teson, Bierzo, Spain) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自西班牙卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂的红葡萄酒,采用门西亚酿造而成。这款葡萄酒带有花香、野生浆果和香...
Camino Portugués: Final Stage - Tui to Santiago Walk the final 100km of the Camino Portugés from Tui to Santiago de Compostela. From £730.00 Grade Comfort More Info Type Pilgrimages 42 Days 64 Reviews Camino del Norte Walk from San Sebastian along the north coast of Spain to ...