For more information on how to use the camera on the Microsoft Surface Go2, please see theTake a Picture or Videotutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn about: • Access camera settings • Change the picture size • Set a timer • Set the storage location Access camera settings ...
Related topics Take photos and videos with your Surface device Camera does not work in Windows 10 SUBSCRIBE RSS FEEDS Need more help? Want more options? DiscoverCommunityContact Us Explore subscription benefits, browse training courses, learn how to secure your device, and more. Microsoft 365 ...
Take photos and videos with your Surface device Camera does not work in Windows 10 DiscoverCommunityContact Us Explore subscription benefits, browse training courses, learn how to secure your device, and more. Microsoft 365 subscription benefits ...
Below, you will find the most common camera problems users have experienced, along with the error codes and the steps to troubleshoot them. Error codes and their potential causes The following list outlines error codes and potential causes associated with Windows camera. Click on the error code ...
Call#stopPreview()to stop updating the preview surface. Important: Call#release()to release the camera for use by other applications. Applications should release the camera immediately re-#open()it To quickly switch to ...
Applications should release the camera immediately in (and re-#open() it in To quickly switch to video recording mode, use these steps: Obtain and initialize a Camera and start preview as described above. Call #unlock() ...
Applications should release the camera immediately in (and re-#open() it in To quickly switch to video recording mode, use these steps: Obtain and initialize a Camera and start preview as described above. Call #unlock(...
查詢指定的 Surface 是否能夠支援離線模式。 支援離線模式的介面可以當做引數傳遞至 #switchToOffline。 的android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.supportsOfflineProcessing(android.view.Surface) JAVA 檔。 此頁面的部分是根據所建立和共用的工作進行修改,並根據 2.5 屬性授權中所述的詞彙來使用。...
This keeps the image from moving too fast on the live view image when there is a large amount of zoom. Auto Focus © Hikvision User Manual of Network PTZ Camera 2 The auto focus enables the camera to...
It is a switch of the device audio output. When it is disabled, all the device audio cannot output. The audio output display varies with the device modes. 4.2.4 Environmental Noise Filter Set it as OFF or ON. When the function is enabled, the noise in the enviro...