We've picked out not just the cameras, but also lenses and accessories – entire suite of useful gear for taking incredible night-sky images. Overkill? Not a bit of it – if you want to photograph the night sky and catch celestial events like the Perseid meteor shower or the Northern ...
I would like to try some night sky photography for the first time and have some questions for the more experienced photographers in this forum. Together with my family I will travel to the Canary Islands in March and I've read that there seems to be a good chance for some clear skies w...
NightCap Camera is a low light and night photo, time lapse and video photography app for iPhone and iPad
Stars Modeis for photographing the night sky. It sets the camera up for you for best results – just point the camera upwards, place in a tripod or a secure position, and tap the shutter. Star Trails Modetakes very long exposure photos (at least 15 minutes is recommended) of the night ...
If you're looking to take photos of your beloved pet, there are a few camera settings you'll want to keep in mind. In this article, we'll go over the best camera settings for pet photography. So whether your pet is a dog, cat, rabbit, or any other animal
Shoot in Camera RAW, which is great for pulling extra detail back into highlights Bracketing? Yes. Do it. Especially when shooting for HDR If your autofocus is having issues in the low light, switch to manual focus To capture the night sky with stars, start with an ISO of 1600, your le...
A basic camera kit will allow you to explore long-exposure astrophotography, and experience the incredible amount of light you can record in the night sky. Many of the same camera settings and techniques used for Milky Way Photography can be used for other types of astrophotography, including de...
Video: Astro Photography Tool Walkthrough SharpCap I have used SharpCap to frame my imaging target, and to focus my telescope. SharpCap is responsive and lightweight. I can quickly connect my camera for a near live-view look at my desired area of the night sky. This software is extremely ...
A sturdy tripod is an absolute must for capturing images of the night sky, no matter what type of optics you are using. The long exposure and steady nature of night photography demand that the camera remains completely still. A tripod with a ball head is advantageous because it will allow ...
Photographing the moon often leads to other forms of photography, includingsolar systemand deep-sky astrophotography. Mastering the art of capturing objects in the night sky does not happen overnight. It may become a lifelong passion and learning experience as it has for me. ...