9.Camera 360 Its one of themost downloaded camera apps on Google Play. It offers a very complete app that you can complete even more with several camera modes that you can install from Google Play directly in the application. Best android camera app 2024 ...
4、智能照片库:谷歌相机的智能照片库可以自动整理和分类照片,使用户更容易找到所需的照片。 5、免费的软件:谷歌相机是一款免费的软件,用户可以免费下载和使用它。 应用信息 厂商:Google 包名:com.google.android.GoogleCamera 版本:v8.8.224.520435764.11 MD5值:1b231b78ad57f241b4026d390459853c...
It is totally free to download but it only worked on Android 7.1.1 and up. Top 7: Open Camera Open Camera is a good app for Android users. It is also completely open source. This camera provides a feature like a zoom and focus modes. It has some other functions like face detection...
Android Camera整体框架主要包括三个进程:app进程、camera server进程、hal进程(provider进程)。进程之间的通信都是通过binder实现,其中app和camera server通信使用AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language) ,camera server和hal(provider进程)通信使用HIDL(HAL interface definition language) 。 Android上面的框架分级,基本...
google camera app特色 1、容易使用的界面 利用Google 相机精美直观的 Material Design 界面,轻松拍摄照片和视频 2、android wear 在Android Wear 设备上点按即可实现远程拍照 3、HDR+ 在弱光和背光环境下拍摄时,使用 HDR+(高动态范围 + 弱光)设置能够有效改善画面效果(仅适用于 Nexus 5 和 4) 5、视频 拍摄视...
L Camerais an open-source experimental camera app for Android L devices using the newandroid.hardware.camera2API. Currently, the only supported device is Nexus 5 and Nexus 6 running Android 5.0 Lollipop. Please note that this app is intended to test and study new features of the camera API...
Getting started with Matterport has never been easier. Check out our quick video, download the app and start scanning today. View Supported Devices Experience precision with the press of a button. Automate your smartphone capture with Axis, our motorized mount that ensures seamless scanning of every...
包名:com.google.android.GoogleCamera 标签:相机app谷歌软件美颜自拍相机国外相机360极速浏览器 需要网络 9.2 0%0% 3322特别说明谷歌相机现更名为:Pixel相机。 要求:最新版的谷歌相机仅支持搭载 Android 14 及更高版本的 Pixel 设备。适用于 Wear OS 的最新版 Pixel 相机仅支持与 Pixel 手机关联的 Wear OS 3(及...
Great iPhone camera app + a professional image editor 1/2 2/2 . Rank (4.5/5) iOS/Android DOWNLOAD Pros Control of shutter speed and ISO settings Customizable white balance You can add separate focus and exposure points Manual adjustment of focus and exposure Cons Many settings are availab...
包名:com.google.android.GoogleCamera 厂商:Google谷歌 需要网络 0%0% 软件介绍 #谷歌软件 #拍照app #永久不收费的软件 谷歌相机最新版本2025(最新版已改名为“Pixel相机”)是一款备受全球用户喜爱的拍摄软件,经过全面重新设计,软件能够帮助用户随手拍出精美照片与视频,让你不错过任何一个生活中的精彩瞬间。软件内的...