While camels aren’t a necessity inMinecraft, they do make your time in the wild a bit more manageable. After placing a saddle on one, they can be mounted like your typical horse. However, they’re able to automatically climb objects that are up to 1.5 blocks tall, which beats out the...
Joining the Minecraft world with the 1.20 update are camels and Sniffers. Camels will be found together in herds and offer players a fast and efficient mode of transportation across the expansive map. On the other hand, Sniffers, a new creature voted for by fans, are skilled at dete...
camel Confirmation Status: Community Consensus Category: Sound Mojang Priority: Low Area: Expansion A The Bug: The sounds of camels recovering (minecraft:entity.camel.dash_ready) aren't controlled by the "Friendly Creatures" sound slider and are instead controlled by the "Players" sound slider. ...
Steps to Reproduce: Summon a camel with a saddle equipped on it by using the command provided below. /summon minecraft:camel ~ ~ ~ {SaddleItem:{id:"minecraft:saddle",Count:1b}} Get two players and label them "Player A" and "Player B". ...