snake case:Snake case separates each word with an underscore character (_). When using snake case, all letters need to be lowercase(Upper case for Constant value or Global value). number_of_donuts = 3 kebab case: kebab case is that kebab case separates each word with a dash character(-)...
This short article lists some popular casings such as camel case, pascal case, snake case, and kebab case along with a few other casings with respective examples. We also will compare these cases to understand which one to use in which case, generally. Let us understand each case in more ...
camelCase 驼峰命名方式,又称小驼峰命名方式(lowerCamelCase) 第一个单词首字母小写,后面每个单词首字母大写。 KEBAB-CASE 或kebab-case 串式命名方式,又称破折号命名方式(dash-case) 每个单词全大写或全小写,之间使用中划线分隔。 SNAKE_CASE 或snake_case 蛇形命名方式 每个单词全大写或全小写,之间使用下划线分隔。
The commonly used strategies for combining words are: camel case, pascal case, snake case, and kebab case. We’ll go over those here. Camel Case (camelCase) “three camels standing on street” byLombe KabasoonUnsplash Camel case combines words by capitalizing all words following the first wor...
kebabCase: two-words noCase: two words pascalCase: TwoWords pascalSnakeCase: Two_Words pathCase: two/words sentenceCase: Two words snakeCase: two_words trainCase: Two-Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Refference: ...
Camel, pascal, kebab and snake case (and others) are all naming conventions that we use in computer programming to be able to create compound names for variables, types, functions, clases and other structures in source code. camelCase
This is a Go Module for snake, kebab, camel, pascal case conversion. It can be used like: package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { input := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" fmt.Println(caseconv.ToCamel(input)) fmt.Println(caseconv....
camelized=cases.camel('some-case-string')// someCaseStringconstsnaked=cases.snake('some-case-string')// some_case_stringconstpascaled=cases.pascal('some-case-string')// SomeCaseStringconstkebabed=cases.kebab('some-case-string')// some-case-stringconsole.log({camelized,snaked,pascaled,kebab...
willyhorizont (7 kyu) 12 months ago 1 edit sorry but... thisIsCamelCase, ThisIsPascalCase, this_is_snake_case, this-is-kebab-caserendick (7 kyu) 14 months ago funny kata!KayleighWasTaken (1 kyu) 14 months ago Suggestion CoffeeScript translation RockBottom (5 kyu) 15 months ago ...
最近的工作有一个需求,需要利用linux shell脚本将_或-作连字符的变量名字符串转为驼峰命名法(camel-case)的字符串,其实吧,'_'做连字符的命名方式有专门的名字,蛇形命名法(snake-case).'-'做连字符的命名方式也有专门的名字,脊柱命名法(spinal-case),也有叫kebab-case(kebab-烤肉串,也挺形象的).关于这些命名...