设置locale: false忽略平台区域设置并使用Unicode 默认大小写转换算法: constcamelCase=require('camelcase');// On a platform with 'tr-TR'camelCase('lorem-ipsum');//=> 'loremİpsum'camelCase('lorem-ipsum',{locale:false});//=> 'loremIpsum' camelcase for enterprise 作为Tidelift 订阅的一部分提供。
camelcase 命名法camelcase ## Camel Case Naming Convention. Camel case is a naming convention in which words in a multi-word identifier are joined together with the first letter of each word capitalized except the first word. It is often used in programming languages to name variables, ...
camelcase is a type of writing that combines words together to form one continuous word. it's commonly used in computer programming languages , as well as other areas such as text messaging and instant messaging. in camelcase, each word is capitalized so that it stands out from the rest ...
Input:"ThisIsInCamelCase" Output:['This','Is','In','Camel','Case'] 方法#1:朴素的方法 将CamelCase 字符串拆分为单个字符串的简单或暴力方法是使用 for 循环。首先,使用一个空列表 ‘words’ 并附加 ‘str’ 的第一个字母。现在使用 for 循环,检查当前字母是否为小写,如果是,则将其附加到当前字符串,...
Camel case definition: the convention of writing compound words or phrases with no spaces and an initial lowercase or uppercase letter, with each remaining word element beginning with an uppercase letter. See examples of CAMEL CASE used in a sentence.
if all($word.comb) (elem) 'A'..'Z' { # 如果这个单词都是大写字母 take $word.lc; # 转成小写字母并 take } else { # 如果是 CamelCase 这样的单词, 就 comb take ($word.comb: /<upper><lower>+/).».lc.join('_'); }
在英语中,依靠单词的大小写拼写复合词的做法,叫做"骆驼拼写法"(CamelCase)。比如,backColor这个复合词,color的第一个字母采用大写。 这种拼写法在正规的英语中是不允许的,但是在编程语言和商业活动中却大量使用。比如,sony公司的畅销游戏机PlayStation,play和station两个词的词首字母都是大写的。
Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Capital Case, snake_case and more lowercase uppercase camel-case snake-case pascal-case change-case constant-case Updated Sep 15, 2024 TypeScript chaoren / vim-wordmotion Star 855 Code Issues Pull requests More useful word motions for Vim vim...
Camel Case:userLoginCount This is a very popular way to combine words to form a single concept. It is often used as a convention in variable declaration in many languages. Pascal Case (PascalCase) Pascal case combines words by capitalizing all words (even the first word) and removing the sp...
Sentences start with a capital letter and end in a period–“.”. We’re going to need to be able to make a word start with a capital letter: privateStringcapitalizeFirst(String word){returnword.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } ...