That's why we've been relentlessly working on providing you with an app that not only includes the PET (B1), FCE (B2) level but also the CAE (C1) and the CPE (C2). Needless to say, Use of English PRO contains more exams than any other app or website out there. ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现现货 Use of English practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced 英语运用 剑桥CAE考试C1等级模拟练习测试2020【中商原版】的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于现货 Use of E
Disclaimer USE OF ENGLISH, CAMBRIDGE, FCE, CAE and CPE, are brands belonging to The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge and are not associated with Use of English PRO or its apps (Website and Mobile Apps).
《【中商原版】Use of English practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced 英语运用 剑桥CAE考试C1等级模拟练习测试2020》,作者:【中商原版】Use of English practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced 英语运用 剑桥CAE考试C1等级模拟练习测试2020Billie Jago 著
How to prepare for The C1 AdvancedListening test Listen! The more English you listen to the better your will do. Listen to the radio, English language TV, podcasts... Recordings may be: monologues: announcements, radio broadcasts, speeches, talks, lectures, anecdotes, etc.; or interacting sp...
内容提示: C1EMPOWERC1 ADVANCED WORKBOOKRobert McLartyCambridge English Empower is a general English course for adult and young adult learners that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from Cambridge English Language Assessment.This unique mix of engaging classroom...
The landing of the Cambridge English V Examination Center marks the in-depth integration of the concept of “whole person education” and the international standard of Cambridge. In the future, the school will continue to optimi...
Reading & Use of English-90 minutes Writing- 2 tasks , 90 minutes Listening- 40 minutes, 30 questions Speaking- interview, with another candidate, 15 minutes Score A, B, C (pass), D, E or U (fail) C1 Advanced pass is accepted for entry to some universities. ...
The CAE is a challenging exam, and the Use of English section is the most difficult part. Students often tell us they feel unprepared for it. That's why we hav…
Also, even though you need to average 60.54% of the marks in order to pass the exam, you can pass the Reading section only answering47%+ of the questions correct and you can pass the Use of English section only answering46%of the questions correct (depending on which questions you get ...