学生的字迹越来越难以辨认,这促使剑桥大学考虑终结考试用纸笔答题这个延续了800年的传统,允许使用笔记本电脑应试。学者称,因为在课堂及其他地方依赖笔记本电脑,学生整体正失去手写的能力。 Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge's history faculty, said: "Fifteen or 20 years ago, students routinely wrote...
学者称,因为在课堂及其他地方依赖笔记本电脑,学生整体正失去手写的能力。 Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge's history faculty, said: "Fifteen or 20 years ago, students routinelywrote by hand several hours a day, but now they writevirtuallynothing by hand except exams. ... 剑桥大学历史...
剑桥大学的正式名称是The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge,这估计知道的人不多,恐怕应该翻译成“剑桥大学的校长、院长和学者”这么一个汉语的逻辑无法理解的名称,通常被称作The University of Cambridge: Chancellor:校长,剑桥大学的最高领导者,由选举产生,终身担任校长,主要是礼仪上...
学者称,因为在课堂及其他地方依赖笔记本电脑,学生整体正失去手写的能力。 Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge's history faculty, said: "Fifteen or 20 years ago, studentsroutinelywrote by hand several hours a day, but now they writevirtuallynothing by hand except exams. ... 剑桥大学历史...
As well as being a member of the Universityand of an academic Faculty/Department, our students also belong to a Collegecommunity, an arrangement that offers pastoral and academic supportfor each individual. 剑桥大学有2万多名来自各行各业和世...
Dr Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge's History Faculty who was involved with the pilot earlier this year, told the Daily Telegraph that handwriting is becoming a lost art among the current generation of students. She said: "Fifteen or twenty years ago students routinely have written...
[39] the history faculty building designed by James Stirling; and the Cripps Building at St John's College. The brickwork of several of the colleges is also notable: Queens' College contains "some of the earliest patterned brickwork in the country" and the brick walls of St John's College...
Whipple Museum of the History of Science(惠普尔科学历史博物馆);Faculty of Law(法学学部)下设的Lauterpacht Centre for International Law(劳特派特国际法中心);Institute of Criminology(犯罪学所);Land Economy(土地经济); Biological Sciences(生物科学):Faculty of Biology(生物学部):Biochemistry(生物化学)、...
Notes on the approved style for dissertations in the history faculty, cambridge october 2007Presented, M.litt. Dissertation O F WorkM.phil, Thesis F O R T H EM.phil, Thesis F O R T H E
题材:时事新闻Academics say that students are losing the ability词数:334to write by hand usually in large numbers because of难度系数:their reliance on laptops in lectures and elsewhere.题数:4Sarah Pearsall, a senior lecturer at Cambridge's history faculty, said: *"Fifteen or twenty years ago....