一、到剑桥官网测评 测试网址:www.cambridgeenglish.cn/test-your-english/ 家长可以登录剑桥英语的官网 (cambridgeenglish.cn)进行CEQ水平测试 KET /PET考试都分为标准版(General)和青少版(For Schools),两版难度上是一致的,青少版的考试多选择和青少年生活息息相关的话题。 进入测试页面,接下来会做25道题目,来完...
We have qualifications for schools, general and higher education, and business. Linguaskill Online English testing, simplified Linguaskill is a quick and convenient online test to help higher education institutions and employers check the English levels of individuals and groups of candidates. It ...
The Cambridge English exams are some of the most recognized in the world. Test Your English Online for Free: English Test | Proficiency Level Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English TensesFrom Young Learners' exams to specialized business English exams, ...
Our lessons offer you a chance to take Cambridge Exam practice tests, learn a variety of techniques and feel confident on test day, which coincides with your last week of the course. Choose between an Intensive course with 21 hours of class time, or a General course of 15 hours. ...
Test Your English We are Cambridge Assessment English. Part of the University of Cambridge, we help millions of people learn English and prove their skills to the world. Prepare for your Cambridge English exam We have lots of exam preparation to help you get ready for your exam. These include...
India’s No.1 English Language Teaching Academy English for university and preparation for IELTS Effective courses to help you enter university and succeed in your studies General English Courses Focused lessons and small group sizes help you make progress quickly Business and Professional English A wi...
Find out which Cambridge English exam may be best for you with a free online test. Young Learners For Schools General English Business English HOW WE TEACH Effective learning needs effective teaching. We use modern, effective and practical teaching methods and our teaching staff are experienced and...
along with your General Student Visa application. Students who have successfully booked a language course and have paid their fees will receive a CAS from . Please note that UK law states that a CAS can only be issued to students who intend to pursue English language studies for over 11 ...
The tests are designed not to be susceptible to higher performance due to preparation. They are not like the SATs in the US, which preparation and extra sittings clearly help. They are designed to work from what students would know from their curriculum and general knowledge, and to test ho...
M: Well, the exam tests knowledge of general business English (20) . Special knowledge of particular jobs and industries is not required. The examination is also suitable for people with no working experience W: How is our English tested? M: The examination has three parts. The first part ...