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The weakest of the field have already been sifted out; up to a fifth of applications are declined before the interview stage. Now the tutors are gathered to consider the results of those interviews. Five women and seven men are gathered at a table, in a light-filled, rectangular room at ...
Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics Syllabus code 0607 For examination in June and November 20111.1 Why choose Cambridge?1.2 Why choose Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics?1.3 Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE)1.4 How can I find out more?
Stage; Creative Commons License How do you cultivate joy in your teaching practice? I look to cultivate joy in two ways. One, I plan my teaching with joy as a priority. As I often tell my students, I want them to enjoy drama because I don’t know otherwise why we do it! I believe...
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Cambridge A Level Further Mathematics Syllabus code 9231 For examination in June and November 2011