Cambridge Education Group delivers innovative academic services tailored to the needs of international students and educational institutions.
Study ESL in our intensive English classes, or take courses in performing arts or fine arts. These are the choices at our Cambridge Summer Schools.
Cambridge School es la principal escuela de idiomas para niños, adolescentes, adultos y empresas del Vallés Oriental, con centros en Granollers, Mollet del...
圣玛丽剑桥女子学校由教会组织BlessesVirgin Mary于1898年创立,是英国一流的天主教全日制女子寄宿学校。为3-18岁的孩子提供教育,学校分为Preschool, Junior School, Senior School 和Sixth Form。 学校座落于剑桥大学植物公园(Cambridge University Botanic Garden)...
剑桥高中核心信息:英文全称:Cambridge High School建校时间:1883学校位置:新西兰剑桥镇开设年级:9-13年级学生年龄:13-18岁开学时间: 每年1月,4月,7月,10月学校性质:公立混校学生总人数:1671人学生族裔:欧洲裔(80.19%) 毛利裔(12.39%) 太平洋岛民裔(0.84%)
St Mary's School Cambridge 是一所位于英国剑桥的女子中学,创立于1898年。这是一所历史悠久、声誉卓著的寄宿学校,自立校以来,一直致力于为学生提供最好的教育和培训,鼓励她们成为聪明、有责任心、自信、高尚的女性。 该校以其卓越的教育质量、...
English language school in the centre of Cambridge, UK. General English course and study, Intensive and Part-Time courses, a social and cultural programme and homestay accommodation. Accredited by the British Council.
School Department Lei-Anne Ellis, Human Services Division Head for ChildCare and Family Support Services Nancy Tauber, Executive Director, Family Policy Council Jeana Franconi, City Budget Director Carolyn Turk, Deputy Superintendent of Schools Lori Likis, Chief Planning Officer, School Department Envisi...