Zion Church, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, Union Baptist Church, and Western Avenue Baptist Church. The Grace Exhibit is hosted in partnership with BXP, Cambridge Arts, The Cambridge Historical Commission, The Cambridge Redevelopment Authority, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with appropriate departments to prepare a communication to DCR Commissioner Arrigo, urging that a study of traffic conditions at the intersections of Western Avenue and River Street at Memorial Drive and Soldiers Field Road (commonly referred to...
19 Bonehurst Road, 霍利显示地图 开业:1855在盖特维克剑桥酒店体验丰富多样的一流设施与服务。 住宿期间可免费使用互联网,确保即时通信。使用住宿提供的机场便捷接送服务,轻松安排往返机场的交通。 使用住宿提供的交通服务,轻松前往您在伦敦的心仪目的地。客人可以享受在住宿内停车的便利。 住宿提供便利的洗衣服务,让您...
London Road, 亨廷登郡显示地图 剑桥海豚酒店坐落于圣艾夫斯,距离汉明弗德格雷庄园只有 5 分钟车程,且距离Ouse Fen Nature Reserve也只有 6 分钟车程。 此酒店距离Hill Rise Park Dog Walking Area 3.1 英里(5 公里),距离Overcote Fen Wildlife Area 4.4 英里(7.1 公里)。查看更多 ...
肖维尔马戏团的低山卫理公会教堂(Low Hill Methodist Church from Showell Circus) 达特茅斯马戏团的Grazebrook光束引擎, 阿斯顿, 伯明翰(Grazebrook beam engine at Dartmouth Circus, Aston, Birmingham) 马戏团的弧形露台, 从盖伊街路口看去(Curved terrace on The Circus, viewed from the Gay Street junction) ...
Anyway I’m fine, I have new digs, two rooms on the Newmarket Road, just outside town, near Midsummer Common (where I heard a bagpiper in kilts practicing today as I walked past on way home from college), across the road from the Star Brewery & pub, and upstairs (third floor) from...