Cambridge Journal of Education publishes original refereed articles on all aspects of education, with a particular emphasis on work that contributes to a shared understanding amongst academic researchers, theorists, practising teachers, policy-makers and educational administrators. The journal also welcomes ...
《剑桥教育杂志》(Cambridge Journal of Education)是一本备受国际学术界关注的教育领域重要期刊,由Taylor & Francis出版社负责出版。该杂志一年发行六期,致力于发表关于教育各个方面的原创审稿文章,特别强调那些有助于学术研究者、理论家、实践教师、政策制定者以及教育管理者之间达成共识的工作。
《剑桥教育杂志》(Cambridge Journal of Education)是一本备受国际学术界关注的教育领域重要期刊,由Taylor & Francis出版社负责出版。该杂志一年发行六期,致力于发表关于教育各个方面的原创审稿文章,特别强调那些有助于学术研究者、理论家、实践教师、政策制定者以及教育管理者之间达成共识的工作。
Oxford Review of Education Psychosocial Factors and Sex Differences in High Academic Attainment at Cambridge University Psychosocial Factors and Sex Differences in High Academic Attainment at Cambridge UniversitySurtees, P GWainwright, N W JPharoah, P D P...
Cambridge Journal of Education publishes original refereed articles on all aspects of education, with a particular emphasis on work that contributes to a shared understanding amongst academic researchers, theorists, practising teachers, policy-makers and educational administrators. The journal also welcomes ...
撞大运了!这些教育类SSCI真的巨好投🔥||撞大运,这些教育类SSCI真的巨好投 1、Asia Pacific Education Review (亚太教育评论) 2、Asia-Pacific Education Researcher ( - 安然学长期刊咨询于20240308发布在抖音,已经收获了969个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The journal also welcomes the submission of systematic review articles that summarise and offer new insights into specific areas of educational concern.With a wide international readership, Cambridge Journal of Education publishes contributions drawn from different educational systems and cultures enabling ...
Effective schools for all: An alternative to special needs in education . (1991). Effective Schools for All. London: David Fulton.Ainscow, M. (1991). Effective schools for all: An alternative approach to special needs in education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 21, 293-308... Ainscow,Mel...
Given that a fundamental goal of education is to transfer the control of learning from teachers to pupils, improving pupils’learning tolearn techniques should be a major outcome of the school experience, especially for the highly competent.教育的基础目标是将学习的控制从教师转移给学生,通过学习技巧提...
19、doing.(这一段重要讲此外一种教学方式) Given that a fundamental goal of education is to transfer the control of learning from teachers to pupils, improving pupils learning to learn techniques should be a major outcome of the school experience, especially for the highly competent. 教育旳基本目...