Topics: Election Day - Judgment Day; deaths of Rich McKinnon, Rick Jarvis; Covid updates; Nov 2 City Council Agenda - Resident Permit Parking Fee increase shot down; early signs of the 2021 municipal election; patio heaters and greenhouse gases Episode 478 (Tues, Nov 3, 2020 at 6:30pm)...
As an example, the City extended resident parking permits, but the delay hasn’t been explained. Some paid for permits 8 weeks ago and have yet to receive them - hopefully that will be resolved soon. What city services have a backlog and when can we expect operations to be relatively ...
and it is time to bring our fees in line with Somerville. Additional revenue could go towards vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction and making public transit more accessible and comfortable. Next term I will again propose that we raise our resident parking permit fees while ensuring that poor ...
use of side streets to make up for loss of parking (which is beyond ridiculous from point of view of resident parking); Parenti deflects concerns about representativeness of the committee; Zusy suggests there should have been a commercial representative on the committee, lot of concern from ...
Only downside is parking , it's very expensive and most of the spaces are resident permit only HOWEVER ... There is a house on next street that rents their private parking space out cost us a fiver for the night , you need to use the app 'your parking space' and search the ...
In addition, it is likely that in any area where there is now metered parking, some resident parking spaces on side streets may become metered spaces - though the City has not yet stated this - even more loss of resident parking. Key Information on Multifamily Housing Zoning (Jan 7, 2025...
Cambridge resident and Mental Health Advocate Queen-Cheyenne Wade Black Response and Community For Us, By Us Pastor Ellis Washington St. Paul AME Church “I want to thank each member of the task force for their willingness to play a pivotal role in helping shape the future of public safety ...