Many well-known colleges in the United States and Canada accept students with a grade ‘C’ or higher in Cambridge IGCSE. Cambridge IGCSE is considered equivalent to GCSE in countries such as the United Kingdom. While making admission decisions, universities in the United Kingdom look at ...
Cambridge, together with Oxford and Durham, is among those universities that have adopted formulae that gives a rating to the GCSE performance of every school in the country to “weight” the scores of university applicants. Reputation Results for the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos are read out ...
Recognition CambridgeIGCSEisinternationallyrecognisedbyschools,universitiesandemployersasequivalenttoUK GCSE.CambridgeIGCSEisexcellentpreparationforA/ASLevel,theAdvancedInternationalCertificateof 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 牛津论文库 ...
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