Cambridge High School is 1 of 18 high schools in the Fulton County Schools. Cambridge High School 2024 Rankings Cambridge High School is ranked #734 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare...
At Cambridge High School, the total minority enrollment is 90%, and 90% of students are economically disadvantaged. Cambridge High School is 1 of 3 high schools in the Coalinga-Huron Unified School District. Cambridge High School 2024 Rankings Cambridge High School ...
电话: +64 7 827 5415 传真: +64 7 827 4646 邮箱: 我校课程 课程概述 剑桥高中秉承教育学生,用知识武装学生的理念,让他们将来能够适应21世纪的生活。 9和10年级的所有学生必学科目:英语,数学,社会科学,体育,美术和技术,以及一种第二语言。 当学生达到高级水平时可以向专业化学习...
电话: +64 7 827 5415 传真: +64 7 827 4646 邮箱: 关于我校 我校概述 剑桥高中始建于1883年,是一所男女混合的优秀高中,致力于为1400名学生提供最高素质教育。从1989年开始至今,剑桥高中一直对海外学子敞开入学的大门。学校有一批训练有素的教师员工,配有现代化的设施,制定高标准...
(汉密尔顿)剑桥高级中学Cambridge High School 剑桥高中核心信息: 英文全称:Cambridge High School 建校时间:1883 学校位置:新西兰剑桥镇 开设年级:9-13年级 学生年龄:13-18岁 开学时间: 每年1月,4月,7月,10月 学校性质:公立混校 学生总人数:1671人
Cambridge summer school for high school students. Students get to live and study in a beautiful Cambridge University college for 1, 2 or 3 weeks, and optionally visit Paris.
Top Nearby High Schools SchoolTypeGradesStudentsStudent Teacher RatioDistance Buckingham Browne & Nichols School Cambridge, MAPrivatePK - 121,0176:1 German International School Boston Boston, MAPrivatePK - 122427:11 miles Cambridge Rindge and Latin ...
CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 About Cambridge Rindge & Latin School... AP Offered High School School District Cambridge Public Schools View Nearby Homes Massachusetts Cambridge Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Rankings Niche rankings are based on rigorous analysis of key statistics from the U.S. Department of...
Cambridge Public Schools is a top rated, public school district located in CAMBRIDGE, MA. It has 6,746 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 9 to 1. According to state test scores, 49% of students are at least proficient in math and 55% in reading. About cpsd...
Using the proficiency score averages, the average test scores for Cambridge, MA schools is 59%. The average student to teacher ratio is 10:1. In Cambridge, MA, an average of 93.4% of students have completed 8th grade and an average of 92.7% have completed high school. ...