The Trust is specifically charged with providing loan funds to build new affordable units, as well as with helping nonprofit housing organizations finance substantial rehabilitation of distressed properties. Membership: 9 members (representatives from different sections of the community with housing policy,...
(e.g. housing subsidies, Cambridge Housing Authority), immediate cuts currently paused, main impacts expected in FY26, scale of cuts impossible for City of Cambridge and State to backfill, how to stabilize to degree possible, possibility of stabilization funding; JSW asks about legal liabilities;...
Evans remembered asking BXP, formerly Boston Properties. “To my surprise, they said, ‘Maybe.’ It was a matter of inches to make this work. Everyone on the team knew that an underground substation was the right answer for the neighborhood.” In this case, it was worth it for BXP to ...
1 About Cambridge SPG Cambridge Companies Special Projects Group is a private equity, venture capital, and real estate development firm based in Newport Beach, California Headquarters Location 660 Newport Center Drive Suite 710 Newport Beach,California,92660, ...
While traditional infrastructure and real estate, such as transportation assets and office properties, will need to be updated to keep pace, urbanization also creates strong demand for affordable and/or social housing, student accommodations, alternative energy sources, and a myriad of other physical ...
The petitioner has so far indicated no intention to re-file and could develop their properties as-of-right under existing zoning. It was also revealed by the Solicitor that under the recent "Housing Choice" legislation this petition would have required only a simple majority (5 votes) for ...
and three-family properties; need for intervention now to avoid future need for overrides; councillors had luxury for years in not having to think about limitations; FY24 consolidated spending categories; note that every stick of affordable housing (deed restrictions) has de minimis tax revenue - ...
21-101. Report on ensuring multi-family properties on the market are reviewed as quickly as possible as potential affordable housing acquisitions. Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui (O-5) from 12/20/2021 ...
This takes me back about 30 years to 1990-1991 when then City Councillor Ed Cyr proposed that the City identify various City-owned properties as possible housing sites - a "Land Bank". The list included about a dozen locations, including such places as the dead-end of Norfolk St. near ...