CAMBRIDGE Introduction to the 18th-Century Novel, The (Book)LONDON, AprilLITERATURENONFICTIONWhen the Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft celebrated its 100th birthday in 1964, it did so in the shadow of the Wall that divided Berlin, built the year before. Echoing this political division, the ...
Lucasian Cambridge scientists Alumna Zadie The University Her Majesty Professor of Mathematics, publishes his book, identify the gene Smith releases of Cambridge the Queen ‘A Brief History of Time’, one of the best-selling causing diabetes and her debut novel, celebrates opens the scientific books...
Jasper's father was William Rose (1894-1961), a Professor of German who simultaneously attained the positions of Chair of German Language and Literature at the University of London, and the Head of the Department of Modern Languages at the London School of Economics. As a student, he was ed...
before bird migration was known about, as a way to explain why barnacle geese were never seen nesting, and to have been prompted by some perceived similarities in colour and shape between the barnacle and the geese.
The unnamed vendor stated; “When Dragon expressed their wish to purchase my company with their digital currency, I gladly accepted this novel payment method and amazingly this transaction was smooth sailing.” This whole saga delivers mo...