TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguage.ByRodneyHuddlestonand GeoffreyK.Pullum.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,2002.Pp.xvii,1842. ReviewedbyPeterW.Culicover,TheOhioStateUniversity * 1.Introduction.TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguage(CGEL)isa monumentallyimpressivepieceofwork. ...
COBUILD English Grammar9.3 现代英语语法(套装共7册) Garner's Modern American Usage Macmillan English Dictionary for Ad...9.8 A Student's Introduction to English ...8.9 Encyclopedia of Language and Lin...9.6 Longman Grammar of Spoken and...9.0 ...
图书标签:英语语言学Grammar语法English英语语法英语学习语言 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This book presents a new and comprehensive descriptive grammar of English, written by the principal authors in collaboration with an international research team of ...
The Cambridge Grammar of English is a major reference grammar from the world's leading grammar publisher. Using ground breaking language research, it offers clear explanations of spoken and written English based on real everyday usage. A clear two-part structure makes the book particularly user-fri...
定价:USD 264.99 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780521431460 豆瓣评分 9.6 37人评价 5星 81.1% 4星 13.5% 3星 2.7% 2星 0.0% 1星 2.7% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· This book presents a new and comprehensive descriptive grammar of English, written by the principal authors...
2003. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language [M]. Cambridge: CUP.Rodney H,K P Geoffrey.The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. . 2003Huddleston Rodney,and Pullum Geoffrey K. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. London: Cambridge University Press,2002....
The Cambridge Grammar of the English LanguageCambridge University Press978-0-521-43146-0 - The Cambridge Grammar of the English LanguageRodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. PullumFrontmatterMore © in this web service Cambridge University Press ...
TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguage.ByRodneyHuddlestonand GeoffreyK.Pullum.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,2002.Pp.xvii,1842. ReviewedbyPeterW.Culicover,TheOhioStateUniversity * 1.Introduction.TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguage(CGEL)isa monumentallyimpressivepieceofwork. 1 Alreadypublishedreviewsofthiswo...